Thursday, 30 June 2011

glenn beck fired

Here's one way of making a point. Though Glenn Beck may be better known for his tears, the host knows how to get hotheaded when the spark hits—literally. During a demonstration accusing President Obama of fire and brimstone, the host poured gasoline over a colleague while griping about the administration's policies. Beck did provide a caption on-screen saying that the gas was, in fact, water, but we wouldn't put it past him to use the real thing.

Beck's Favorite Things

Not to be outdone by Oprah Winfrey, Beck hosted his own “Favorite Things” episode after Winfrey's big giveaway episode. The host gifted his audience chalk, books, and tickets to his favorite Broadway Show, Billy Elliot, for the holidays. But, no cruises or Australian vacations were in sight.

Beck's Guest Faints

During an explanation of U.S. investments, guest David Buckner told the host he needed to sit down before fainting on air. Buckner recovered from the spill that Beck later chalked up to an illness, but the clip proved one thing: Anything can happen on Glenn Beck.

Beck Admits He's Inept

Self-professed “boob” Beck wanted his viewers to know—time and again—that he is no elite Ivy Leaguer. The departing host instead said he's a self-educated recovering alcoholic and former DJ. In fact, Beck told viewers in a spirited refrain, “You couldn't get dumber than me.” Sounds like a man worth listening to.

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